It’s not as scary as it looks!
If you are located in or around Market Harborough, or a surrounding village, and have a honeybee swarm, don’t panic.
If a honeybee swarm is not collected with a short period of time, usually within 12 – 24 hours or so of arrival, it is likely to move to a new location which could easily be your chimney or wall etc, or even a neighbouring garden. They don’t usually go too far. The bees are only looking for a new home. A honey bee swarm usually find a nice spot to rest whilst scout bees go off to find a better place to make a more permanent home.
We can usually come out to attempt to collect a swarm with very little notice, but will usually end up being early evening. We are not looking to collect swarms from all over Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, but will assist people within a reasonable distance. Simply call us on 01858 220210 and we will try to help you as soon as we can. It is not always possible to collect a swarm, it really depends on where it is, and how safe it is to get access to it.
Please note: We do not collect or recover or do anything with bees that are in a chimney or wall. There are specialist companies who deal with this. We always say to people that you have to do what is right for you and your situation. As much as we love bees sometimes in is not possible to save them without a large cost.
We do not charge for honey bee swarm removal, this is a FREE voluntary service.
Identify your bees, we are only interested in honey bees!
![]() Honey Bee |
![]() Wasp |
![]() Bumble Bee |
What to do
Give us a call on 01858 220210 so that we can get to you as soon as possible
Relax, and keep calm!
Keep your distance
Keep children and pets away
Please do not panic
What not to do
Do not attempt any methods of DIY bee control, you will fail and get stung.
Do not panic, you need to remain calm.
Do not try to remove the swarm yourself, you will get really badly stung.
Do not throw stones, sticks, rocks or any other items at the swarm in an attempt to make it go away!
Do not aggravate them, they will feel under threat. The bees are not looking to sting you.
Do not spray a pesticide or any other chemicals on or near the bees. This is highly likely to provoke the bees.
The removal of bee swarms from bushes and trees is very common during April & May which is swarming season. It is usually best practice to remove the swarm before it colonises a chimney or somewhere you really don’t want. A lot of people see anything that moves to be a nuisance, or confuse honey bees with wasps. Honey bees are incredibly beneficial insects, so we need to look after them which is why we are happy to attempt to collect swarms. It is not always an easy task, even for the most experienced of bee keepers.
If you have bees in any of the following places, unfortunately this is not something we will help with, and we would recommend either leaving them be, for contact a local pest controller for further advice.
Bees that are living in bird boxes
Bees that are living in your roof space or under roof tiles
Bees that have made a nest or living in the ground
Bees that are living under decking or garden sheds
Bees living in compost heaps