Welcome to the Spirits Academy, a one-of-a-kind destination nestled in the charming town of Market Harborough. Here, we offer a truly unique experience: the chance to craft your very own gin, vodka, or rum. Whether you’re a connoisseur of fine spirits or just looking for an unforgettable activity, our academy provides the perfect blend of education, creativity, and enjoyment.
A Premier Destination for Spirit Enthusiasts
Market Harborough’s Spirits Academy is more than just a distillery; it’s a hub of inspiration and innovation. Visit our gin school to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Located in the heart of this picturesque town, our academy invites visitors to immerse themselves in the art and science of distilling. Learn more about Market Harborough and its attractions here. From selecting botanicals to mastering distillation techniques, every step of the process is tailored to ensure a memorable and personalised experience.
Distil Your Own Gin, Vodka, or Rum
At the Spirits Academy, you become the master distiller. With the guidance of our expert team, you’ll learn how to create a spirit that reflects your individual taste. Whether you prefer the juniper-forward notes of gin, the smoothness of vodka, or the rich complexities of rum, we’ve got you covered. Explore our gin school for more details. Our state-of-the-art equipment and carefully curated ingredients ensure a high-quality result every time.
Why Choose the Spirits Academy?
Unparalleled Expertise: Our team comprises passionate professionals who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and love for spirits.
Hands-On Learning: You’ll actively participate in the distilling process, gaining skills that you can take pride in.
Personalised Creations: Craft a spirit that’s truly your own, complete with a bespoke label to commemorate your experience.
Convenient Location: Market Harborough’s excellent transport links make us easy to reach, whether you’re arriving by train, car, or on foot.